Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Sergueï Lenglet, teaching at IUT Charlemagne, first year and second year students.

  • Licence: Horatiu Cirstea, Responsible for the first year of the Licence in Computer Science, Université de Lorraine.

  • Licence: Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Responsible of the course “Introduction to Algorithms and Programming” (http://www.depinfonancy.net/s5/tcs13 ), first year at Mines-Nancy (150 students), Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Horatiu Cirstea, Responsible for the Master speciality “Logiciels: Théorie, méthodes et ingénierie”, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Head of the Computer Science Department at Mines Nancy, Université de Lorraine.

  • Doctorate: Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Implementing Term Rewriting, International School on Rewriting, Valparaíso, Chile.


  • PhD: Jean-Christophe Bach, A formal Island for qualifiable model transformations, Université de Lorraine, September 12th 2014, Pierre-Etienne Moreau

  • PhD in progress: Duy Duc Nguyen, Aided design of multi-physics and multi-scale systems based on asymptotic methods, Horatiu Cirstea (co-supervised with Michel Lenczner and Federic Zamkotsian)

  • PhD in progress: Amira Henaien, Certification du raisonnement formel porté sur des systèmes d’information critiques, November 2010, Sorin Stratulat (co-supervised with Maurice Margenstern)


Horatiu Cirstea:

  • PhD committee of Julien Ferté, reviewer, “Régularité et contraintes de descendance, équations algébriques+”, Marseille 2014

  • PhD committee of Hernan Vanzetto, examiner, “Automatisation des preuves et synthèse des types pour la théorie des ensembles dans le contexte de TLA+”, Nancy 2014

  • PhD committee of Bin Yang, reviewer, “Contribution to a kernel of a symbolic asymptotic modeling software”, Besançon 2014

Pierre-Etienne Moreau:

  • PhD committee of Jean-Christophe Bach, superviser, “Un îlot formel pour les transformations de modèles qualifiables”, Nancy 2014

  • PhD committee of Faiez Zalila, reviewer, “Methods and Tools for the Integration of Formal Verification in Domain-Specific Languages”, Toulouse 2014

  • PhD committee of Cyrille Wiedling, examiner, “Formal Verification of Advanced Families of Security Protocols: E-Voting and APIs”, Nancy 2014

Sorin Stratulat:

  • PhD committee of Abdelkader Kersani, examiner, “Preuves par induction dans le calcul de superposition”, Grenoble 2014